I continue to hear the argument from the Hillary camp that Barack Obama isn't electable. Whether it be because he only wins caucus states, or that he couldn't beat her in California or Ohio or now Pennsylvania, or that he lost to her in Florida and Michigan (where he wasn't on the ballot)
Now I take issue with most of those arguments. Especially the preposterous argument that McCain would somehow beat Obama in California or New York just because he didn't win the Democratic primary. Doesn't it logically follow that McCain would beat Clinton in the 30 states (and counting) that she lost in the Democratic primary?
Most importantly, this Michigan thing is ridiculous. How can she claim a win there when Obama's name wasn't on the ballot. I guess that is the same thought process that leads her to believe she will beat McCain in November, when in fact she won't. BECAUSE HER NAME WON'T BE ON THE BALLOT.